Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Small world.

Nan told me once that there was some basketball movie which had one of our class mates as an 'extra.' Last night while watching Coach Carter I discovered not just Danny from Exeter but also Inches from CTY had parts in the movie.

It's a bit weird thinking about someone you know breaking into acting the hard way, Danny had a couple of shots in which the camera was on him for more than a second. In one scene he was the last player in line glaring at Samuel Jackson, so when the camera paused for effect at the end of a pan that swept the team, Danny's glare (which was quite funny) got a bit of camera time. The other shot in which I remember him was during the epic last game jumping and tearing at his shirt in anxiety over the course the game was taking.

People I know are meeting each other EVERYWHERE. This doesn't not help grow my social network :(


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