Confused about media bias...
"Despite tensions between Jews and Arabs, violence is rare. Last August, a Jewish army deserter killed four Israeli Arabs in a shooting rampage on a bus. The attacker was killed by a mob.
In the worst ethnic violence in Israel, police killed 13 Arab-Israeli demonstrators who blocked a highway in October 2000. "
Two problems with this last sentence: What makes one incident of ethnic violence worse than others? and also it has very little to do with the story: Two people blow up a Christian holy site, one is Jewish one is Christian and both are psychotic. How is this ethnic violence? The story seems to follow this path:
Crazy people blow up shrine for no discernable reason, and are certainly not reiligiously inspired-> here's some info about these two crazy people -> Jewish Israelis and Arab Israelis don't fight a lot -> worst Ethnic violence in Israel is when Jews kill Arabs.
How does one determine the worst ethnic violence in Israel? Is 13 people the greatest number of people killed in Israel in a single incident since 2000?
"October 4, 2003: Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at the Maxim restaurant in Haifa killing 20 people and wounding more than 60."
Is it because they were protester? That may be a factor. If Palestinian attacks on Israelis are not considered so bad because the kill restaurant-goers instead of demonstrators then I disagree with the rubric, and feel that it is unfair to Jewish Israelis.
The only way I can get the sentence to make sense is if Palestinians kill Israelis in nationalistic violence and Jew kill Arabs in ethnic violence, but since the killing is inspired by racial/religious hatred and fear wouldn't it all be considered ethnic violence in Israel?
Maybe it's only because the AP reports a bit to the left, and I don't really see anyone who reports a bit to the right...
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