Monday, September 27, 2004

I'm sleepy

I got really sleepy around friday... and I've been really tired since then. Maybe I have mono :(...

After yom kippur I went back to school and promptly ate some sausage with grapes and pasta with parmaesan.

Then I 'spilled my seed' with my non-jewish not-wife.

I profaned a little, I think I've taken the Lord's name in vain once or twice at least.


--sinfully happy yet oddly exhausted....

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Life imitates Art...

So.... I'm pretty sure broken glass has become a recurring image in the last few days of my life. First in Ani's room there was a broken Kriek glass... and then Sing Sing and I almost sat on broken glass on the Low steps... and then walking home from either EC or Plimpton, I passed a telephone booth where the advertisement covering glass had been shattered and little children were running towards it and being pulled away by their parents ("oooo is that glass?")


--I'm gonna find my purpose.... YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Saturday, September 11, 2004


I am reading Roger Zelazny. I came to some odd thoughts that may or may not be true about any or all people.

There are people who just collect facts and statistics really well. I know many magic cards I've come across by heart. I'm guessing Eric, Tao, Austin, Ani, Ben etc... the sort of people who play lots of games and read sci-fi have similar stores of totally useful information. I think this sort of fact accumulation is correlated really strongly with liking science fiction... one must learn a whole new historical setting, with a whole pile of new natural laws, plus all of the stuff that any story requires one to keep in mind. I think these fact-accumulators enjoy accumulating facts (at least I do), which ought to have some other interesting uses/side-effects....


Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Eric's post is scary and sad. Granted, he points out at the end that he is not made for careers or for college, still I wonder why exactly anyone who would be happy anywhere, would be unhappy in college.

It seems that happiness is partially determind by one's will to be happy and partially determined by circumstance. I don't mean to say that when things are good, one is happy, rather that some folk are genetically predisposed (in terms of brain chemistry) to be happier. The gorgeous Jessica Alba's character Max in "Dark Angel" says, "I don't see why they call it a depression... no one's depressed..."

Circumstance and environment don't make people happy... just deciding to be happy makes people happy.

I'm walking on sunshine.....